AN 5.58 Licchavikumārakasutta: Licchavi Youths
They praise him here in this world and after death he rejoices in heaven.
AN 10.74 Vaḍḍhisutta: Growth
A noble disciple who grows in ten ways grows nobly, taking on what is essential and excellent in this life.
AN 11.13 Nandiyasutta: With Nandiya
Now, we spend our life in various ways. Which of these should we practice?
AN 5.228 Ussūrabhattasutta: Eating Late
Mendicants, there are these five drawbacks for a family who takes their meals late in the day.
DN 31 From… Siṅgālasutta: Advice to Sigālaka—Drawbacks of Laziness
There are these six drawbacks of habitual laziness.
MN 99 From… Subhasutta: With Subha
Because of wrong practice, neither laypeople nor renunciates succeed in the system of the skillful teaching.
🏷️lay life
MN 97 From… Dhanañjānisutta: With Dhanañjāni
I have to provide for my mother and father, my wives and children, and my bondservants and workers.
AN 4.60 Gihisāmīcisutta: The Layperson’s Proper Practice
For them both by day and night merit always increases
Vv 5.11 Dutiya Nāga Sutta: Second Elephant Mansion
What kind of meritorious actions did you do when you were in the human world?
AN 8.54 Dīghajāṇusutta: With Dīghajāṇu
Sir, we are laypeople who enjoy sensual pleasures and living at home with our children.
🏷️lay life
Snp 2.4 Maṅgalasutta: Blessings
Caring for mother and father, kindness to children and partners, and unstressful work: this is the highest blessing.
AN 5.174 Verasutta: Threats
Householder, unless these five dangers and threats are given up, one is said to be unethical, and is reborn in hell. What five?
MN 137 From… Saḷāyatanavibhaṅgasutta: The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields
There are six kinds of lay happiness and six kinds of renunciate happiness.
🏷️lay life
AN 8.70 From… Bhūmicālasutta: Earthquakes
I shall not become fully extinguished until my spiritual path is successful and prosperous, extensive, popular, widespread…
DN 31 From… Siṅgālasutta: Advice to Sigālaka—Good Friends
You can recognize a good-hearted friend who’s a helper on four grounds.
SN 7.10 Bahudhītarasutta: Many Daughters
This ascetic mustn’t have rats in a vacant barn dancing merrily…
Snp 2.14 From… Dhammikasutta: With Dhammika
Now I shall tell you the householder’s duty, doing which one becomes a good disciple.
AN 1.248-257 Foremost Laymen
The foremost of my laymen in first going for refuge are the merchants Tapussa and Bhallika.
SN 17.24 Ekadhītusutta: An Only Daughter
‘My darling, please be like the laywomen Khujjuttarā and Veḷukaṇṭakī, Nanda’s mother.’
SN 45.24 Dutiyapaṭipadāsutta: The Way (2)
Bhikkhus, whether for a layperson or one gone forth, I do not praise the wrong way.
MN 71 From… Tevijjavacchasutta: To Vacchagotta on the Three Knowledges
But are there any laypeople who, without giving up the fetter of lay life, go to heaven when the body breaks up?
SN 7.19 Mātuposakasutta: The Brahmin Who Provided for His Mother
Master Gotama, I seek alms by legitimate means, which I use to provide for my mother and father.
AN 4.62 Ānaṇyasutta: Freedom From Debt
Householder, there are these four kinds of happiness that may be achieved by a layperson who enjoys sensual pleasures
AN 8.54 Dīghajāṇusutta: With Dīghajāṇu
Sir, we are laypeople who enjoy sensual pleasures and living at home with our children.
AN 1.258-267 Foremost Laywomen
The foremost of my laywomen in first going for refuge is Sujātā the general’s daughter.