Vv 5.8 Sūcī Sutta: Needle Mansion
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world?
AN 6.19 From… Paṭhamamaraṇassatisutta: Mindfulness of Death (1st)
So you should train like this: ‘… We will keenly develop mindfulness of death for the ending of defilements.’
SN 3.25 Pabbatūpamasutta: The Simile of the Mountain
It was coming this way, crushing all creatures…
SN 55.21 Paṭhamamahānāmasutta: With Mahānāma (1st)
Do not fear, Mahānāma, do not fear! Your death will not be a bad one.
Iti 83 Pañcapubbanimittasutta: The Five Prognostic Signs
Bhikkhus, when a deva is due to pass away from a company of devas, five prognostic signs appear
AN 7.49 From… Saññā Sutta: Perceptions
It gains a footing in the deathless, has the deathless as its final end
MN 87 Piyajātikasutta: Born From the Beloved
“Sir, who on earth could ever think such a thing!”
Snp 3.8 Sallasutta: The Dart
For whatever you imagine it is, it turns out to be something else.
Pv 1.12 Uraga Sutta: The Snake
That burning dead body is unaware of the crying of its relatives.
AN 5.57 From… Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhāna sutta: Themes—Death
I am not the only one who is subject to death
SN 3.22 Ayyikāsutta: Grandmother
If by giving away the whole country I could get my grandmother back, I’d do it.
AN 7.74 Arakenānusasani Sutta: Araka’s Instructions
Next to nothing is the life of human beings
SN 5.3 Kisāgotamīsutta: With Kisāgotamī
Why do you sit alone and cry as if your children have died?
SN 1.3 Upanīya Sutta: The Discourse About Life That Is Led on Towards Death
One who sees this … should drop the world’s bait.