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  • AN 5.181 Āraññikasutta: Wilderness Dwellers
    AN 5.181 Āraññikasutta: Wilderness Dwellers

    “Mendicants, there are these five kinds of wilderness dwellers. What five? A person may be wilderness dweller because of stupidity and folly. Or because of wicked desires, being naturally full of desires. Or because of madness and mental disorder. Or because it is praised by the Buddhas and their disciples. Or for the sake of

  • AN 4.95 Chavālātasutta: A Firebrand
    AN 4.95 Chavālātasutta: A Firebrand

    “Mendicants, these four people are found in the world. What four? One who practices to benefit neither themselves nor others; one who practices to benefit others, but not themselves; one who practices to benefit themselves, but not others; and one who practices to benefit both themselves and others. Suppose there was a firebrand for lighting

  • AN 3.42 Tiṭhānasutta: Cases
    AN 3.42 Tiṭhānasutta: Cases

    “Bhikkhus, in three cases one may be understood to have faith and confidence. What three? When one desires to see those of virtuous behavior; when one desires to hear the good Dhamma; and when one dwells at home with a mind devoid of the stain of miserliness, freely generous, openhanded, delighting in relinquishment, devoted to

  • SN 3.2 Purisasutta: A Person
    SN 3.2 Purisasutta: A Person

    At Sāvatthī. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to the Buddha, “Sir, how many things arise inside a person for their harm, suffering, and discomfort?” “Great king, three things arise inside a person for their harm, suffering, and discomfort. What three? Greed, hate,

  • AN 5.51 Āvaraṇasutta: Obstacles
    AN 5.51 Āvaraṇasutta: Obstacles

    Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus!” “Venerable sir!” those bhikkhus replied. The Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, there are these five obstructions, hindrances, encumbrances of the mind, states that weaken wisdom. What five? (1)

  • Thag 3.8 Vassikattheragāthā: Vassika
    Thag 3.8 Vassikattheragāthā: Vassika

    I was the only one in my familywho had faith and wisdom.It’s good for my relatives that I’mfirm in principle, and ethical. I corrected my family out of compassion,telling them off out of lovefor my family and relatives.They performed a service for the monks and then they passed away,finding happiness in the heaven of the

  • SN 7.1 Dhanañjānī Sutta: Husband of Dhanañjānī
    SN 7.1 Dhanañjānī Sutta: Husband of Dhanañjānī

    This is as I heard. At one time, the Buddha was living in the city of Rājagaha, in the Bamboo Garden, in the squirrels’ feeding ground. Now at that time, there was a person named Bhāradvāja of the brahmin caste. His wife was named Dhanañjānī and was devoted to the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the

  • Iti 71 Sammādiṭṭhikasutta: Having Right View
    Iti 71 Sammādiṭṭhikasutta: Having Right View

    This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard. “Mendicants, I’ve seen beings who engaged in good conduct of body, speech, and mind, who did not abuse the noble ones, who held right view and acted accordingly. At the breaking up of the body, after death, they were reborn in

  • Thig 6.1 Pañcasatamattā­therīgāthā: Paṭācārā, Who Had a Following of Five Hundred
    Thig 6.1 Pañcasatamattā­therīgāthā: Paṭācārā, Who Had a Following of Five Hundred

    “One whose path you do not know,not whence they came nor where they went;though they came from who knows where,you mourn that being, crying, ‘Oh my son!’ But one whose path you do know,whence they came or where they went;that one you do not lament—such is the nature of living creatures. Unasked he came,he left

  • AN 5.31 Sumanasutta: Sumanā
    AN 5.31 Sumanasutta: Sumanā

    On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. Then Princess Sumanā, accompanied by five hundred chariots and five hundred court girls, approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. Princess Sumanā then said to the Blessed One: “Here, Bhante, there might be

  • SN 22.5 Samādhisutta: Concentration
    SN 22.5 Samādhisutta: Concentration

    Thus have I heard. At Savatthi…. There the Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, develop concentration. A bhikkhu who is concentrated understands things as they really are. “And what does he understand as it really is? The origin and passing away of form; the origin and passing away of feeling; the origin and passing away of

  • Snp 1.1 Uragasutta: The Snake
    Snp 1.1 Uragasutta: The Snake

    When anger surges, they drive it out, as with medicine a snake’s spreading venom. Such a mendicant sheds this world and the next, as a snake its old worn-out skin. They’ve cut off greed entirely, like a lotus plucked flower and stalk. Such a mendicant sheds this world and the next, as a snake its

  • Pv 1.11 Nāga Sutta: The Elephant
    Pv 1.11 Nāga Sutta: The Elephant

    Monk:The deva leading the gods is riding a white elephant. There is a deva in the middle of the line sitting on a chariot. At the end of the line, a female deva travels on a golden stage which shines brightly in ten directions. But you ghosts are carrying hammers in your hands with sad

  • Iti 29 Sukhavihārasutta: Living in Happiness
    Iti 29 Sukhavihārasutta: Living in Happiness

    This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard. “Mendicants, when a mendicant has two qualities they live happily in the present life—without distress, anguish, and fever—and when the body breaks up, after death, they can expect a good rebirth. What two? Guarding the sense doors and moderation in eating.

  • SN 56.11 Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta: Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion

    I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Vārāṇasī in the Deer Park at Isipatana. There he addressed the group of five monks: “There are these two extremes that are not to be indulged in by one who has gone forth. Which two? That which is devoted to sensual pleasure

  • MN 108 From Gopakamoggallānasutta: With Gopaka Moggallāna—No Single Bhikkhu
    MN 108 From Gopakamoggallānasutta: With Gopaka Moggallāna—No Single Bhikkhu

    …Then the brahmin Vassakāra, the minister of Magadha, having delighted and rejoiced in the venerable Ānanda’s words, rose from his seat and departed. Then, soon after he had left, the brahmin Gopaka Moggallāna said to the venerable Ānanda: “Master Ānanda has not yet answered what we asked him.” “Did we not tell you, brahmin: ‘There

  • AN 4.33 Sīhasutta: The Lion
    AN 4.33 Sīhasutta: The Lion

    “Bhikkhus, in the evening the lion, the king of beasts, comes out from his lair, stretches his body, surveys the four quarters all around, and roars his lion’s roar three times. Then he sets out in search of game. “Whatever animals hear the lion roaring for the most part are filled with fear, a sense

  • DN 16 From Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment—Subhadda’s Question
    DN 16 From Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment—Subhadda’s Question

    …Now at that time a wanderer named Subhadda was residing near Kusinārā. He heard that on that very day, in the last watch of the night, the ascetic Gotama would become fully extinguished. He thought: “I have heard that brahmins of the past who were elderly and senior, the teachers of teachers, said: ‘Only rarely

  • AN 5.196 Supina Sutta: Dreams
    AN 5.196 Supina Sutta: Dreams

    “When the Tathāgata—worthy & rightly self-awakened—was still just an unawakened bodhisatta, five great dreams appeared to him. Which five? “When the Tathāgata—worthy & rightly self-awakened—was still just an unawakened bodhisatta, this great earth was his great bed. The Himalayas, king of mountains, was his pillow. His left hand rested in the eastern sea, his right

  • SN 4.24 Sattavassānubandhasutta: Seven Years of Pursuit
    SN 4.24 Sattavassānubandhasutta: Seven Years of Pursuit

    Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Uruvela on the bank of the river Nerañjara at the foot of the Goatherd’s Banyan Tree. Now on that occasion Mara the Evil One had been following the Blessed One for seven years, seeking to gain access to him but without success.

  • Ud 3.10 Lokavolokanasuttaṁ: The Discourse about Looking Around the World
    Ud 3.10 Lokavolokanasuttaṁ: The Discourse about Looking Around the World

    Thus I heard: at one time the Fortunate One was dwelling near Uruvelā, on the bank of the river Nerañjarā, at the root of the Awakening tree, in the first (period) after attaining Awakening. Then at that time the Fortunate One was sitting in one cross-legged posture for seven days experiencing the happiness of freedom.

  • MN 26 From Ariyapariyesanāsutta: The Noble Search—Meeting Upaka
    MN 26 From Ariyapariyesanāsutta: The Noble Search—Meeting Upaka

    “…Then, bhikkhus, when I had stayed at Uruvelā as long as I chose, I set out to wander by stages to Benares. Between Gayā and the Place of Enlightenment the Ājīvaka Upaka saw me on the road and said: ‘Friend, your faculties are clear, the colour of your skin is pure and bright. Under whom

  • AN 4.127 Paṭhamatathāgataacchariyasutta: Incredible Things About the Realized One (1st)
    AN 4.127 Paṭhamatathāgataacchariyasutta: Incredible Things About the Realized One (1st)

    “Mendicants, with the appearance of a Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, four incredible and amazing things appear. What four? When the being intent on awakening passes away from the host of Joyful Gods, he’s conceived in his mother’s womb, mindful and aware. And then—in this world with its gods, Māras and

  • Dhp 153–154 From… Jarā Vagga: Old Age
    Dhp 153–154 From… Jarā Vagga: Old Age

    To be born again and again is indeed suffering!

  • Snp 3.11 Nālakasutta: Nālaka the Seer
    Snp 3.11 Nālakasutta: Nālaka the Seer

    Asita the seer, in his mid-day meditation,saw the Group of Thirty—Sakka the king, and devas dressed in pure white     exultant, ecstatic—holding up banners, cheering wildly,& on seeing the devas so joyful & happy,having paid his respects, he said: “Why is the deva community     so wildly elated?Why are they holding up banners& waving them around?Even after the war

  • SN 44.1 From Khemāsutta: Khemā Therī’s Wisdom
    SN 44.1 From Khemāsutta: Khemā Therī’s Wisdom

    …Then the Kosalan King Pasenadi approached the nun Khemā, and after approaching and worshipping the nun Khemā, he sat down on one side. While sitting on one side the Kosalan King Pasenadi said this to the nun Khemā: “How is it, Noble Lady, does the Realised One exist after death?” “This has not been answered,

  • DN 16 From Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ: The Discourse about the Great Emancipation—The Four Places
    DN 16 From Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ: The Discourse about the Great Emancipation—The Four Places

    …“Formerly, reverend Sir, the monks, having dwelt for the Rains Retreat used to come to see the Realised One, and we would receive those meditating monks for assembling and seeing the Realised One. But after the Fortunate One has passed way, reverend Sir, we will not receive those meditating monks for assembling and seeing the

  • MN 12 From… Mahāsīhanādasutta: The Greater Discourse on the Lion’s Roar—Purification
    MN 12 From… Mahāsīhanādasutta: The Greater Discourse on the Lion’s Roar—Purification

    There are certain recluses and brahmins whose doctrine and view is this: ‘Purification comes about through food.’

  • MN 85 From… Bodhirājakumārasutta: With Prince Bodhi
    MN 85 From… Bodhirājakumārasutta: With Prince Bodhi

    …After eating solid food and gathering my strength, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption … second absorption … third absorption … fourth absorption. When my mind had immersed in samādhi like this—purified, bright, flawless, rid of corruptions, pliable, workable, steady, and imperturbable—I extended it

  • Iti 112 Loka Sutta: The World
    Iti 112 Loka Sutta: The World

    This discourse was taught by the Blessed One, taught by the Arahant, the fully enlightened Supreme Buddha. This is as I heard, “Monks, the world has been fully understood by the Tathāgata; the Tathāgata is detached from the world. Monks, the origin of the world has been fully understood by the Tathāgata; the origin of

  • SN 6.15 Parinibbānasutta: Final Extinguishment
    SN 6.15 Parinibbānasutta: Final Extinguishment

    At one time the Buddha was staying between a pair of sal trees in the sal forest of the Mallas at Upavattana near Kusinārā at the time of his final extinguishment. Then the Buddha said to the mendicants: “Come now, mendicants, I say to you all: ‘Conditions fall apart. Persist with diligence.’” These were the