View suttas in reverse chronological order.
Dīgha Nikāya
- DN 2 From… Sāmaññaphalasutta: The Fruits of the Ascetic Life “And how, great king, is a mendicant accomplished in ethics?”
Majjhima Nikāya
- MN 41 From… Sāleyyakasutta: The Brahmins of Sālā “…And how, householders, are there four kinds of verbal conduct not in accordance with the Dhamma, unrighteous conduct?”
- MN 58 Abhayarājakumārasutta: With Prince Abhaya ‘Sir, might the Realized One utter speech that is disliked by others?’
- MN 61 From… Ambalaṭṭhikā Rāhulovāda Sutta: The Exhortation to Rāhula at Mango Stone “…Whenever you want to do a verbal action, you should reflect on it:”
- MN 139 From… Araṇavibhaṅgasutta: The Analysis of Non-Conflict ‘…Don’t talk behind people’s backs, and don’t speak sharply in their presence.’ That’s what I said, but why did I say it?’
Saṁyutta Nikāya
- SN 1.78 Kāmasutta: Desire “…Speech should be let out when it’s good, but not when it’s bad.”
- SN 3.7 Aḍḍakaraṇasutta: Judgment “But they tell deliberate lies for the sake of sensual pleasures.”
- SN 6.9 Turūbrahmasutta: With the Brahmā Tudu “Didn’t the Buddha declare you a non-returner? So what exactly are you doing back here? See how far you have strayed!”
- SN 7.2 Akkosa Sutta: Insult “And if they don’t accept them, to whom do those foods belong?”
- SN 17.37 Mātusutta: Mother “But some time later I see them tell a deliberate lie because their mind is overcome and overwhelmed by possessions, honor, and popularity.”
- SN 42.13 From… Pāṭaliyasutta: With Pāṭaliya ‘Mister, that man amused the king with lies.’
- SN 45.8 From… Vibhaṅgasutta: Analysis “And what is right speech?”
- SN 56.10 Tiracchānakathāsutta: Unworthy Talk “Mendicants, don’t engage in all kinds of unworthy talk”
Aṅguttara Nikāya
- AN 3.28 Gūthabhāṇīsutta: Speech Like Dung “And what, bhikkhus, is the person whose speech is like dung?”
- AN 4.73 Sappurisa Sutta: A Person of Integrity “There is the case where a person of no integrity, when unasked, reveals another person’s bad points, to say nothing of when asked.”
- AN 4.82 Musāvādasutta: Lying “Mendicants, someone with four qualities is cast down to hell. What four? They use speech that’s false, divisive, harsh, or nonsensical.”
- AN 4.83 Avaṇṇārahasutta: Where Criticism Takes You “Without examining or scrutinizing, they praise those deserving of criticism,”
- AN 4.132 Paṭibhānasutta: Eloquence “One who speaks on topic and fluently.”
- AN 5.211 Akkosakasutta: An Abuser “Mendicants, a mendicant who abuses and insults their spiritual companions, speaking ill of the noble ones, can expect these five drawbacks.”
- AN 5.214 Bahubhāṇisutta: Someone Who Talks a Lot “Mendicants, there are these five drawbacks for a person who talks a lot.”
- AN 9.23 Taṇhāmūlakasutta: Rooted in Craving “I will teach you about nine things rooted in craving.”
- AN 10.44 Kusinārasutta: At Kusināra “Mendicants, a mendicant who wants to accuse another should first check five things in themselves and establish five things in themselves.”
- Khp 5 From… Maṅgala Sutta — Protection “Well-spoken words: This is the highest protection.”
- Dhp 133–134 From… Daṇḍavagga: The Rod “Don’t speak harshly, they may speak harshly back.”
- Dhp 223–224 From… Kodhavagga: Anger “Defeat anger with kindness”
- Ud 2.2 Rājasutta: Kings “Mendicants, it is not appropriate for you gentlemen who have gone forth in faith from the lay life to homelessness to talk about such things.”
- Iti 25 Musāvādasutta: Lying “Bhikkhus, I say that for an individual who transgresses in one thing, there is no evil deed whatsoever he would not do.”
Sutta Nipāta
- Snp 3.3 Subhāsitasutta: Well-Spoken Words “Mendicants, speech that has four factors is well spoken, not poorly spoken.”
Peta Vatthu
- Pv 1.3 Pūtimukha Sutta: Stinky Mouth “But your mouth is being eaten by worms and is very smelly.”
- Pv 3.9 Kūṭavinicchayika Sutta: The Back Biter “But you eat the flesh off your own back. What evil deed have you committed by body speech or mind to make you eat your own flesh?”
- Thag 21.1 From… Vaṅgīsattheragāthā: Vaṅgīsa “Speak only such words that do not hurt yourself nor harm others; such speech is truly well spoken.”