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Khp 6 From… Ratana Sutta — Treasures

…Those who have seen clearly the noble truths
well-taught by the one deeply discerning—
regardless of what [later] might make them heedless—
will come to no eighth state of becoming.3
     This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Saṅgha.
     By this truth may there be well-being.

At the moment of attaining sight,
one abandons three things:
     identity-views, uncertainty,
     & any attachment to habits & practices.4
One is completely released
from the four states of deprivation,5
and incapable of committing
the six great wrongs.6
     This, too, is an exquisite treasure in the Saṅgha.
     By this truth may there be well-being.…

3. The person who has reached this stage in the practice will be reborn at most seven more times.

4. These three qualities are the fetters abandoned when one gains one’s first glimpse of unbinding at stream-entry (the moment when one enters the stream to full awakening).

5. Four states of deprivation: rebirth as an animal, a hungry ghost, an angry demon, or a denizen of hell. In the Buddhist cosmology, none of these states is eternal.

6. According to the commentary, the six great wrongs are: murdering one’s mother, murdering one’s father, murdering an arahant (fully awakened individual), wounding a Buddha, causing a schism in the Saṅgha, or choosing anyone other than a Buddha as one’s foremost teacher. The first five are listed in AN 5:129 as leading immediately to hell after death.

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