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Thig 3.3 Aparāuttamātherīgāthā: Another Uttamā

Of the seven awakening factors,
the path for attaining extinguishment,
I have developed them all,
just as the Buddha taught.

I attain the meditations on emptiness
and signlessness whenever I want.
I am the Buddha’s rightful daughter,
always delighting in extinguishment.

All sensual pleasures are cut off,
whether human or heavenly.
Transmigration through births is finished,
now there’ll be no more future lives.

Read this translation of Therīgāthā 3.3 Aparāuttamātherīgāthā: Another Uttamā by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or read a different translation on Or listen on Or explore the Pali on

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SN 5.6 Cālāsutta: Cala

At Savatthi. Then, in the morning, the bhikkhuni Cala dressed … she sat down at the foot of a tree for the day’s abiding.

Then Mara the Evil One approached the bhikkhuni Cala and said to her: “What don’t you approve of, bhikkhuni?”

“I don’t approve of birth, friend.”

“Why don’t you approve of birth?
Once born, one enjoys sensual pleasures.
Who now has persuaded you of this:
‘Bhikkhuni, don’t approve of birth’?”

The bhikkhuni Cala:

“For one who is born there is death;
Once born, one encounters sufferings—
Bondage, murder, affliction—
Hence one shouldn’t approve of birth.

“The Buddha has taught the Dhamma,
The transcendence of birth;
For the abandoning of all suffering
He has settled me in the truth.

“As to those beings who fare amidst form,
And those who abide in the formless—
Not having understood cessation,
They come again to renewed existence.”

Then Mara the Evil One, realizing, “The bhikkhuni Cala knows me,” sad and disappointed, disappeared right there.

Read this translation of Saṁyutta Nikāya 5.6 Cālāsutta: Cala by Bhikkhu Bodhi on Or read a different translation on, or Or listen on or Or explore the Pali on

Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Català, Español, Français, Magyar, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Norsk, Português, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.

SN 5.4 Vijayāsutta: Vijaya

At Savatthi. Then, in the morning, the bhikkhuni Vijaya dressed … she sat down at the foot of a tree for the day’s abiding.

Then Mara the Evil One, desiring to arouse fear, trepidation, and terror in the bhikkhuni Vijaya, desiring to make her fall away from concentration, approached her and addressed her in verse:

“You are so young and beautiful,
And I too am a youth in my prime.
Come, noble lady, let us rejoice
With the music of a fivefold ensemble.”

Then it occurred to the bhikkhuni Vijaya: “Now who is this…? This is Mara the Evil One … desiring to make me fall away from concentration.”

Then the bhikkhuni Vijaya, having understood, “This is Mara the Evil One,” replied to him in verses:

“Forms, sounds, tastes, odours,
And delightful tactile objects—
I offer them right back to you,
For I, O Mara, do not need them.

“I am repelled and humiliated
By this foul, putrid body,
Subject to break up, fragile:
I’ve uprooted sensual craving.

“As to those beings who fare amidst form,
And those who abide in the formless,
And those peaceful attainments too:
Everywhere darkness has been destroyed.”

Then Mara the Evil One, realizing “The bhikkhuni Vijaya knows me,” sad and disappointed, disappeared right there.

Read this translation of Saṁyutta Nikāya 5.4 Vijayāsutta: Vijaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi on Or read a different translation on, or Or listen on or Or explore the Pali on

Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Català, Español, Magyar, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Norsk, Português, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.

SN 5.2 Somāsutta: Soma

At Savatthi. Then, in the morning, the bhikkhuni Soma dressed and, taking bowl and robe, entered Savatthi for alms. When she had walked for alms in Savatthi and had returned from her alms round, after her meal she went to the Blind Men’s Grove for the day’s abiding. Having plunged into the Blind Men’s Grove, she sat down at the foot of a tree for the day’s abiding.

Then Mara the Evil One, desiring to arouse fear, trepidation, and terror in the bhikkhuni Soma, desiring to make her fall away from concentration, approached her and addressed her in verse:

“That state so hard to achieve
Which is to be attained by the seers,
Can’t be attained by a woman
With her two-fingered wisdom.”

Then it occurred to the bhikkhuni Soma: “Now who is this that recited the verse—a human being or a nonhuman being?” Then it occurred to her: “This is Mara the Evil One, who has recited the verse desiring to arouse fear, trepidation, and terror in me, desiring to make me fall away from concentration.”

Then the bhikkhuni Soma, having understood, “This is Mara the Evil One,” replied to him in verses:

“What does womanhood matter at all
When the mind is concentrated well,
When knowledge flows on steadily
As one sees correctly into Dhamma.

“One to whom it might occur,
‘I’m a woman’ or ‘I’m a man’
Or ‘I’m anything at all’—
Is fit for Mara to address.”

Then Mara the Evil One, realizing, “The bhikkhuni Soma knows me,” sad and disappointed, disappeared right there.

Read this translation of Saṁyutta Nikāya 5.2 Somāsutta: Soma by Bhikkhu Bodhi on Or read a different translation on, or Or listen on or Or explore the Pali on

Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Català, Español, Magyar, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Norsk, Português, Русский, සිංහල, Svenska, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.