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AN 5.119 Micchāvācāsutta: Wrong Speech

“Mendicants, a nun with five qualities is cast down to hell. What five? Without examining or scrutinizing, she praises those deserving of criticism, and criticizes those deserving of praise. She has wrong speech and wrong action, and wastes gifts given in faith. A nun with these five qualities is cast down to hell.

A nun with five qualities is raised up to heaven. What five? After examining and scrutinizing, she criticizes those deserving of criticism, and praises those deserving of praise. She has right speech and right action, and doesn’t waste gifts given in faith. A nun with these five qualities is raised up to heaven.”

Note: We don’t get any indication from the sutta why it was addressed specifically about bhikkhunīs (nuns), however we do know that senior monks would give talks to the bhikkhunī saṅgha on the uposatha. Of course these same qualities apply to bhikkhus (monks).

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SN 3.7 Aḍḍakaraṇasutta: Judgment

At Sāvatthī.

Seated to one side, King Pasenadi said to the Buddha, “Sir, when I’m sitting in judgment I see well-to-do aristocrats, brahmins, and householders—rich, affluent, and wealthy, with lots of gold and silver, lots of property and assets, and lots of money and grain. But they tell deliberate lies for the sake of sensual pleasures. Then it occurred to me: ‘Enough with passing judgment today. Now my dear son will be known by the judgments he makes.’”

“That’s so true, great king! That’s so true! Those who are well-to-do aristocrats, brahmins, and householders tell deliberate lies for the sake of sensual pleasures. That is for their lasting harm and suffering.”

That is what the Buddha said. …

“Full of desire for possessions and pleasures,
greedy, infatuated by sensual pleasures;
they don’t notice that they’ve gone too far,
like fish entering a net set out.
It’ll be bitter later on;
for the result will be bad for them.”

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