MN 19 Dvedhāvitakkasutta: Two Kinds of Thought
The man desiring their ruin, harm, and bondage is a term for Māra the Evil One.
MN 119 From… Kāyagatāsatisutta: Mindfulness of the Body
When a mendicant has developed and cultivated mindfulness of the body, Māra cannot find a vulnerability and doesn’t get hold of them.
AN 4.15 Paññattisutta: Proclamations
The foremost of those who exercise authority is Māra the Evil One.
SN 4.9 Paṭhamaāyusutta: Life Span (1st)
They should live as though their head was on fire, for Death comes for everyone.
SN 5.2 Somāsutta: Soma
This is Mara the Evil One, who has recited the verse desiring to arouse fear, trepidation, and terror in me
AN 4.195 Vappasutta: With Vappa
Seeing a sight with the eye, they’re neither happy nor sad, but remain equanimous, mindful and aware.
MN 101 From… Devadaha Sutta: At Devadaha
Suppose that a man is in love with a woman, his mind ensnared with fierce desire, fierce passion.
SN 29.7 Sutasutta: They’ve Heard
And they’ve heard: ‘The egg-born dragons are long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’
SN 24.6 Karotosutta: Acting
‘The one who acts does nothing wrong when they punish, mutilate, torture, aggrieve, oppress, intimidate…
MN 136 From… Mahākammavibhaṅgasutta: The Longer Analysis of Deeds
They must have done a bad deed to be experienced as painful either previously or later…
AN 3.76 Paṭhamabhavasutta: Continued Existence (1st)
Deeds are the field, consciousness is the seed, and craving is the moisture.
AN 5.57 From… Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhāna sutta: Themes—Owners of Actions
I am the owner of my kamma, the heir of my kamma…
Ud 3.1 Kammavipākajasutta: Born of the Fruits of deeds
As a result of past deeds, he suffered painful, sharp, severe, and acute feelings…
MN 56 From… Upālisutta: With Upāli
“I describe mental deeds as being the most blameworthy for performing bad deeds…”
AN 3.155 Pubbaṇhasutta: Morning
When your deeds have been worthy, you get worthy benefits.