AN 8.24 Dutiyahatthakasutta: Hatthaka (2)
You should remember Hatthaka of Āḷavī as one who possesses eight astounding and amazing qualities.
SN 22.87 Vakkalisutta: Vakkali
Do not be afraid, Vakkali, do not be afraid! Your death will not be a bad one.
Dhp 112–115 From… Sahassavagga: The Thousands
Better to live a single day seeing the supreme teaching…
AN 8.6 Dutiyalokadhammasutta: World (2)
These eight worldly conditions revolve around the world, and the world revolves around these eight worldly conditions.
AN 8.80 Kusītārambhavatthusutta: Grounds for Laziness and Arousing Energy
There are eight grounds for arousing energy.
DN 16 From… Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment—Inspiring places
Thinking: ‘Here the Realized One was born!’—that is an inspiring place.
SN 35.155 Dhammakathikapucchasutta: A Speaker on the Dhamma
In what way, venerable sir, is one a speaker on the Dhamma?
SN 35.165 Micchādiṭṭhipahānasutta: Giving Up Wrong View
Sir, how does one know and see so that wrong view is given up?
MN 133 Mahākaccānabhaddekarattasutta: Mahākaccāna and One Fine Night
And how do you run back to the past?
SN 35.244 Dukkhadhammasutta: States That Entail Suffering
Suppose a man would enter a thorny forest.
SN 35.108 Seyyohamasmisutta: I’m Better
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned with the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind.
SN 35.135 Khaṇasutta: The Opportunity
I have seen, bhikkhus, the heaven named ‘Contact’s Sixfold Base.’
SN 35.83 Phaggunapañhāsutta: Phagguna’s Question
The eye does not exist by which they could be described.
SN 35.65 Paṭhamasamiddhimārapañhāsutta: Samiddhi’s Question About Māra
Sir, they speak of this thing called ‘Māra’
SN 35.63 Migajāla Sutta: To Migajāla
To what extent, lord, is one a person who is living alone, and to what extent is one a person who is living with a companion?
SN 35.241 Paṭhamadārukkhandhopamasutta: The Simile of the Great Log (1)
Do you see, bhikkhus, that great log being carried along by the current of the river Ganges?
SN 35.140–142 Ajjhattaaniccahetusutta: Interior and Cause Are Impermanent, etc.
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned with the eye
SN 35.94 Adantaaguttasutta: Untamed, Unguarded
Get rid of all manner of desire for the pleasant, without hating what you don’t like.
SN 35.81 Sambahulabhikkhusutta: Several Mendicants
Reverends, what’s the purpose of leading the spiritual life under the ascetic Gotama?
SN 35.17 Paṭhamanoceassādasutta: If There Were No Gratification (Interior)
If there were no gratification in the eye, sentient beings wouldn’t be aroused by it.
SN 35.136 Paṭhamarūpārāmasutta: Delight in Forms (1)
Bhikkhus, devas and humans delight in forms, take delight in forms, rejoice in forms.