Thag 1.37 Kumāputtasahāyakattheragāthā: Kumāputtasahāyaka
If they lose their meditation, what will such rotten conduct achieve?
SN 54.11 Icchānaṅgalasutta: Icchānaṅgala
What was the ascetic Gotama’s usual meditation during the rainy season residence?
MN 10 From… Satipaṭṭhānasutta: Mindfulness Meditation—Part 2
And how does a mendicant meditate observing an aspect of feelings
MN 10 From… Satipaṭṭhānasutta: Mindfulness Meditation—Part 1
And how does a mendicant meditate observing an aspect of the body?
AN 5.98 Āraññakasutta: In the Wilderness
A mendicant practicing mindfulness of breathing who has five things will soon penetrate the unshakable.
Iti 85 Asubhānupassīsutta: Observing Ugliness
Mendicants, meditate observing the ugliness of the body.
SN 35.120 Sāriputtasaddhivihārikasutta: Sāriputta and the Pupil
Reverend Sāriputta, a mendicant pupil of mine has resigned the training and returned to a lesser life.
Ud 4.1 Meghiyasutta: With Meghiya
A mendicant grounded on these five things should develop four further things.
SN 47.10 Bhikkhunupassayasutta: The Bhikkhunis’ Quarter
Such a one will perceive successively loftier stages of distinction
DN 16 From… Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment—Live as an Island
So Ānanda, live as your own island, your own refuge, with no other refuge.
MN 62 From… Mahārāhulovādasutta: The Longer Advice to Rāhula
When you meditate like the earth, pleasant and unpleasant contacts will not occupy your mind.
AN 8.36 Puññakiriyavatthusutta: Grounds for Making Merit
There are these three grounds for making merit.
AN 4.28 Ariyavaṁsasutta: The Noble Traditions
These four noble traditions are primordial, long-standing, traditional, and ancient.
SN 34.2 Samadhimulakathitisutta: Remaining in Immersion
Mendicants, there are these four meditators.
Thig 2.1 Abhirūpanandātherīgāthā: Abhirūpanandā
Nandā, see this bag of bones as diseased, filthy, and rotten.
MN 108 From… Gopakamoggallānasutta: With Moggallāna the Guardian
No, brahmin, the Buddha did not praise all kinds of meditation, nor did he dispraise all kinds of meditation.