AN 10.29 From… Paṭhamakosalasutta: Kosala (1st)
There comes a time when this cosmos contracts.
AN 6.34 Mahāmoggallānasutta: With Mahāmoggallāna
Tissa, which gods know that they are stream-enterers…?
Vv 7.5 Amba Sutta: Mango Mansion
One day, the famous Arahant Sāriputta Bhante was passing by the mango grove.
SN 2.20 Anāthapiṇḍikasutta: With Anāthapiṇḍika
This is indeed that Jeta’s Grove, … where the King of Dhamma stayed
MN 36 From… Mahāsaccakasutta: The Greater Discourse to Saccaka
Good sir, do not practise entirely cutting off food.
SN 11.6 Kulāvakasutta: The Bird Nests
Let’s surrender our lives to the asuras rather than make these birds nestless.
From… DN 16 Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment
Then there was terror! Then they had goosebumps!
Iti 83 Pañcapubbanimittasutta: Five Warning Signs
When a god is due to pass away from the realm of the gods, five warning signs appear
AN 8.22 From… Dutiyauggasutta: With Ugga of the Village of Hatthi
It’s not unusual for deities to come to me when the Saṅgha has been invited
AN 3.37 Catumahārājasutta: The Four Great Kings (1st)
Whoever wants to be like me would observe the sabbath complete in all eight factors.
AN 4.33 Sīhasutta: The Lion
Oh no! It turns out we’re impermanent, though we thought we were permanent!
SN 9.1 Viveka Sutta: Seclusion
Desiring seclusion you’ve entered the forest, and yet your mind goes running outside.
Vv 3.9 Visālakkhī Sutta: Mansion of the Beautiful-Eyed Goddess
Tell us, what meritorious deed have you done to gain this beauty?
AN 3.127 Hatthakasutta: With Hatthaka
I still rehearse now the teachings that I rehearsed as a human being.
SN 1.40 Dutiyapajjunnadhītusuttaṁ: With Pajjunna’s Daughter (2nd)
I will state the meaning in brief as far as I have learned it by heart.
SN 2.7 Pañcālacaṇḍasutta: With Pañcālacaṇḍa
Those who have acquired mindfulness are perfectly serene in samādhi