AN 5.21 Paṭhamaagāravasutta: Irreverent (1)
Without fulfilling right view, it is impossible for him to fulfill right concentration
Ud 8.4 Catutthanibbānapaṭisaṁyuttasutta: About Extinguishment (4th)
For the dependent there is agitation.
Snp 3.12 Dvayatānupassanāsutta: 3.12 Contemplating Pairs
For whatever you imagine it is, it turns out to be something else.
SN 12.67 Naḷakalāpīsutta: The Sheaves of Reeds
How is it, friend Sāriputta: Is aging-and-death created by oneself, or is it created by another…?
SN 12.37 Natumhasutta: Not Yours
Bhikkhus, this body is not yours, nor does it belong to others. It is old kamma…
AN 3.47 Saṅkhatalakkhaṇasutta: Conditioned
Bhikkhus, there are these three characteristics that define the conditioned.
SN 24.7 Hetusutta: Cause
But by not grasping what’s impermanent, suffering, and perishable, would such a view arise?
SN 12.38 Cetanāsutta: Volition (1)
What one intends… this becomes a basis for the maintenance of consciousness.
SN 12.49 Ariyasāvakasutta: A Noble Disciple
Such a noble disciple is one who is called one accomplished in view…
AN 10.92 Bhayasutta: Dangers
And what is the noble system that they have clearly seen and comprehended with wisdom?
SN 12.15 Kaccānagottasutta: Kaccānagotta
Kaccāna, this world mostly relies on the dual notions of existence and non-existence.
Ud 1.3 Tatiyabodhisutta: Upon Awakening (3rd)
When things become clear to the keen, meditating brahmin…
AN 4.3 Paṭhamakhatasutta: Broken (1st)
Bad luck at dice is a trivial thing, if all you lose is your money…
Dhp 188–192 From… Buddhavaggo: The Chapter about the Buddha
Many people shaken by fear go for refuge
MN 14 From… Cūḷadukkhakkhandhasutta: The Shorter Discourse on the Mass of Suffering
Mahānāma, there is a quality that remains in you that makes you have such thoughts.
Thag 3.15: The Verses of Arahant Hārita (261-263)
One should say only what one would do; one should not say what one will not do.
MN 12 From… Mahāsīhanādasutta: The Greater Discourse on the Lion’s Roar—Lucid Wisdom
A being not subject to delusion has appeared in the world…
Snp 2.1 Ratanasutta: Gems
Like a tall forest tree crowned with flowers in the first month of summer;
MN 4 From… Bhayabheravasutta: Fear and Dread
Why don’t I get rid of that fear and dread just as it comes, while remaining just as I am?
MN 8 From… Sallekhasutta: Self-Effacement
I say that even giving rise to the thought of skillful qualities is very helpful…
SN 11.3 Dhajaggasutta: The Crest of the Standard
In a forest, at the foot of a tree… you should recollect the Buddha: No fear will then arise in you.