SN 48.54 Padasutta: Footprints
The footprints of all creatures that walk can fit inside an elephant’s footprint
Thag 15.1 From… Aññāsikoṇḍaññattheragāthā: Koṇḍañña Who Understood
Just as a rain cloud would settle the dust blown up by the wind…
Thig 5.4 Sundarīnandātherīgāthā: Verses of the Elder Sundarīnandā
Then I was disenchanted by the body, and I became dispassionate.
SN 22.27 Dutiyaassādasutta: Gratification (2)
I have clearly seen with wisdom just how far the gratification in form extends.
DN 33 From… Saṅgītisutta: Reciting in Concert
There are teachings grouped by three that have been rightly explained by the Buddha
DN 10 From… Subhasutta: With Subha
But what was that spectrum of noble wisdom that the Buddha praised?
Iti 41 Paññāparihīnasutta: Deprived of Wisdom
Those beings are thoroughly deprived who are deprived of noble wisdom.
AN 9.25 Paññāsutta: Consolidated by Wisdom
And how is a mendicant’s mind well consolidated with wisdom?
DN 30 From… Lakkhana Sutta: The Marks of a Great Man
He has great wisdom, widespread wisdom, joyful wisdom, fast wisdom, sharp wisdom, and penetrating wisdom.
AN 3.2 Lakkhaṇasutta: Characteristics
One who possesses three qualities should be known as a wise person.
MN 135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasutta: The Shorter Analysis of Deeds—Wisdom
If they’re not reborn in a heavenly realm, but return to the human realm, then wherever they’re reborn they’re very wise.
AN 10.23 Kāyasutta: Body
There are things to be abandoned … having repeatedly seen with wisdom.